Become an Instructor

Are you passionate about sharing your expertise and knowledge with others? Do you have valuable skills and insights to offer in your field? Join us as an instructor at Edversity and empower learners worldwide to achieve their educational goals.

Submit Your Course Proposal

Tell us about the course you’d like to teach by submitting a course proposal, with details.

Course Development

Once your proposal is approved, you’ll work closely with our instructional design team.

Teach Your Course

Once your course is ready, you’ll have the opportunity to deliver engaging lectures & discussions.

Earn Revenue

As learners enroll in your course, you’ll start earning revenue based on enrollments.

Why Teach with Edversity?

By joining Edversity as an instructor, you have the opportunity to reach a massive audience while making a tangible impact in local communities. Our platform connects you with learners from around the country, allowing you to share your expertise and knowledge with individuals who are eager to learn and grow. Whether you’re teaching a specialized skill or sharing insights from your field, your contributions have the power to inspire and empower learners on a global scale.

Become an Ed-Instructor Today!